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coverSAM Mar19 FINAL

We all know that opening day doesn't happen by flipping a switch. Managing a mountain resort is tough and the industry is constantly evolving and creating new challenges to meet. SAM is here to help, with news, articles, trends, podcasts, boot camps, and more to support the industry and all the people in it who make it happen.

DoubleArrowLimited window for snowmaking? We have articles on how to make that short window as efficient as possible.

DoubleArrowStruggling to get your team engaged? SAM has leadership development programs to help you be a better leader.

DoubleArrowLooking into the latest tech? We got you covered with articles on the latest tech trends.

Subscribe to SAM and not only will you receive six issues chock-full of in-depth reporting on topics directly related to your job, you also receive access to our 50+ years of archives, breaking news, podcasts, specialized events, industry-specific programs, and more of the news and information to help you and your team succeed this season.

#YouGotThis and SAM is here to help.


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What subscribers say about SAM:Mike Kaplan, General Manager of Aspen/Snowmass, CO

"The ROI [of a SAM subscription] is typically realized with the implementation of one small idea, or the reduction in research time spent by staff on items that are covered by articles such as summer activites, the lift survey, or something else we are working on that has been covered by SAM."

Steve Kruse, General Manager of Timberline Lodge, OR

"I want my staff to see what is currently going on in the entire industry--trends, comparisons to ourselves, etc. We often talk about articles in the latest SAM at our ops meetings, which often leads to research from the appropriate department head. I don't question the reorder requests, I just approve them because I feel that it’s a valuable investment to be informed, no matter how the season was. "

Kris Blomback, General Manager of Pats Peak, NH

"SAM is a great forum where people can "trade" stories back and forth. I use the magazine and website almost everyday to help smooth our operation. As soon as that new issue hits my mailbox, everyone knows not to come interrupt me until I have finished reading it!"

SAM Subscriber

"Cutting edge information, fresh and informative! Much more then a magazine, a large contributing partner to our industry."

SAM Subscriber

"SAM serves as a touchstone for ski area operators. It reminds us of our successes and failures -- opportunities that have been capitalized upon and also those that have slipped through our fingers. It remindss us to value our people, which I think is important."

Greg Goddard, General Manager of Gunstock Resort, NH

"As a boss, I consider a SAM subscription an important tool for a manager to have, and it is short money for what each individual gets out of it. A conversation will start with “Did you see that SAM article about…” I think it provides some recognition that if we’re buying you a SAM subscription that you’ve “arrived” and are important to the resort. I also believe that reading about other resorts in the magazine motivates some to try to accomplish things that are worthy of publication."DoubleArrow