n an attempt to quickly extinguish any dissent, Seth Masia argues against the ideas presented in Allen Best's story, "A Slightly Skeptical Look at Global Warming," by affirming that global warming is real, and that we should still be "very, very worried." While I acknowledge the legitimate concerns we have on this subject, we do not need any more environmental anxiety or fear-mongering.

Protecting our environment is paramount. The ski industry stands at the forefront of this cause, and we are right in doing so! However, we should not be protecting the environment out of fear, but because we love it for its beauty. That is our real, underlying reason for sustainability-not climate change. Global warming, as real as it is, has been turned into a hyped-up ultra-political distraction.

Ultimately, the hype of global warming will wane, because hype is not sustainable. I would urge the whole industry to protect the environment, not out of this passing worry, but because we love it the way it is.

And for your health's sake, stop worrying.

-Joey Martel, Brian Head, Utah

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