First contact: Automated machine. Chose snowsports school.
Answering phone: Mac. Young male, nice, but tired-sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Learn to Ski and Snowboard month?
SAM: Yeah, it said it was for the month of January, and there were special offers for people who were new to the sport.
Staff: Umm okay, well uh, I am personally not aware of that program, but I can find out if we’re involved in that at all and possibly get back to you. You think it’s called Learn to Ski, Learn to Ski month or something like that?
SAM: (Are you not listening, son?) Yeah, it was Learn to Ski and Snowboard month, and it was for January.
Staff: Okay… umm, okay, Learn to ahh, let me see what I can find out. Do you know anything else about it? Just special promotions and stuff?
SAM: Not really, I saw an ad in a ski magazine at the doctor’s office. It said to call a resort in your area to find out more information.
Staff: All right. Well, uuh, yeeah, let me get your name and phone number and I’ll give you a call back in a few minutes. (Gave fake name, but real cell phone number.)
Call back time: NEVER. Not even the next day.
Rating: 2.5
Comment: Mac tried for a second there but failed to call back.
Always call a girl back, Mac.
First contact: Young male. Veeery mellow sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Uhhhh, yeeeah, hang on a second. Let me put you on hold and I’m going to grab Zelda because she probably knows way more about this than I do. (Sounds quite possible, dude.)
Staff: Hi, this is Zelda!
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, I’m not sure exactly what you’re talking about, but we do have a three-pack for learning to ski, umm, if you’re wanting a private lesson. Uhh, it’s ahh, it’s ahh, a pretty good value, ahh, it’s three lift ticket, three rentals, either skis or snowboards, and three private lessons for $XX.
SAM: Hmm, that does sound like a pretty good deal. And I can try skiing or snowboarding you said, right?
Staff: It’s either skiing or snowboarding, whichever you want to do. Or you can mix it up if you want to try skiing one day and snowboarding the other day.
SAM: Great, and is that during January or some other time?
Staff: Uhhh, we’ll probably do it the whole season, ummm, probably the earlier you start the better, you’ll have more time to use it if you have weather that’s off and on. But you can buy it whenever you like.
SAM: Sounds good. So should I call and make a reservation?
Staff: Yeah! That would be a good idea, yes.
SAM: Perfect. And is there anything else I should know as a first timer?
Staff: Uhhhh, wear warm stuff. And uhh, goggles are good, if it’s snowing at the time you’re doing stuff, goggles are good to have. And you don’t have to buy expensive ones, either.
SAM: Thanks!
Staff: Yeeah, and we’ve started using helmets as well, me and my husband have. We don’t require them, but we do rent them so that’s always a safe option. But it’s entirely up to you.
SAM: Thanks!
Rating: 7
Comment: While they had no idea about Learn a Snowsport month, and that they were participating, Zelda still offered some great info.
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Female. Not too happy sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Let me put you through to the ski and ride school. Transferred…
Answering phone: Automated machine. Waited for “next available representative”… young female, nice sounding.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: Okay, so uh, umm, that’s just our normal group lessons is probably what that is.
SAM: Okay, it said it was a nationwide program so does that include your resort or…?
Staff: I, ah, I think it’s specific because we don’t have any, like, specific programs starting in January, so I’m guessing it’s just our normal lessons that we offer that are our regular learn to ski and ride.
SAM: Okay. So it’s just your normal lesson rates, there aren’t any discounts in January?
Staff: I don’t believe so, uhh, you said learn to ride?
SAM: Well, It was learn to ski or snowboard and it was for the whole month of January at resorts across the country…
Staff: Uhh, yeah uh. Hold just one sec, let me look for you. Holding...
Staff: Sorry about that, so basically what it is, like, January out of the year is the learn to ski and ride month, so it’s like a specific month, but there’s not a specified program for it at our resort.
SAM: Okay, that’s fine, the ad just said it was for the month of January when first timers should give it a try to receive special offers, so that’s why I’m calling. So I guess your resort doesn’t participate in the program?
Staff: Yeeah, I don’t, yeaah, I guess we’re not participating, no.
SAM: All right, that’s fine, that’s why I was calling. Thanks anyway, though.
Rating: 3
Comment: If you’re not participating, why is your resort logo prominently displayed on the website?
First contact: Young female, transferred to snowsports school.
Answering phone: Young female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: So it’s one lesson, usually from 10 to 12 or 1:30 to 3:30, and it includes your rentals and lower mountain lift ticket after your lesson. Um, it’s good till December 24th, but you would probably want to make a reservation because spots are almost full.
SAM: Okay, so it’s not the month of January?
Staff: The month of January is actually the Ski Vermont program, and that one you actually have to go to the Ski Vermont website and make a reservation. And that is January 3-9, same deal though. We’re offering one here, too, that’s why.
SAM: Oh, okay, gotcha. So the January one that is part of Learn to Ski and Snowboard program is through the Vermont skiing association?
Staff: Yup, exactly.
SAM: Okay, perfect, and is it the same deal that you’re offering now?
Staff: Yup, exactly the same deal, you got it.
SAM: Great. And is there anything else you think I should know ahead of time if I’ve never been skiing before?
Staff: My recommendation is to go for the morning lesson because that gives you the whole afternoon to play.
SAM: Perfect, thanks so much.
Rating: 8
Comment: Well, that was easy. But, they should have mentioned
First contact: Automated machine. Chose snowsports school.
Answering phone: Young male. Mr. Know-It-All sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Yeah, ya know, I just got off the phone with another girl who was asking the same thing (see, real people do call with these questions!) so I got up and starting asking around the office, and one of the new girls had the article, I guess it was in a local newspaper as well, if that makes sense? But anyway, are you looking for the free lessons?
SAM: I guess the ad said something to the effect that there were discounts and offers available to first timers.
Staff: Yeah, yeah, I know here we’re not doing those lessons, but it would be a good idea to check with the X newspaper—
SAM: Are you part of that January program at all?
Staff: Let me ask, yeah, ya know, I didn’t think so, but that’s a good question. What’s it called again? Learn a what?
SAM: Learn to Ski and Snowboard month. (Maybe you should write it down this time).
Staff: Hmm, yeah, okay, bear with me for one moment. (Bearing with him…)
Staff: Umm yeaah, we’re not a part of that. It is a good deal they were saying, guess there’s a little buzz around it.
SAM: All right, so you’re not doing any deals in January?
Staff: Nooo, sorry ’bout that. You might try another mountain?
Rating: 2
Comment: “A little buzz?” I’ve got a little buzz for you: your resort IS taking part in the program.
First Contact: Young female, very chirpy sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Yes, Absolutely! You can do a one-, two-, or three-day program. One day is $XX , two days is $YY and three days is $ZZ, and all three times you get a lift ticket, full rental package and a group lesson.
SAM: Awesome. And is that for the whole month of January?
Staff: Well actually, that program runs all the time. January is, I believe, Learn to Ski and Snowboard month, and we’ll be running those programs, yes. The first lesson is at 10:30, and then there’s a one o’clock and we have one in the evenings, too. And if you come on the weekends, we also offer a 9 a.m. lesson.
SAM: Sounds good to me. So should I just call back and reserve a lesson?
Staff: You actually don’t need to reserve these. The great part about this program is that these lessons are always offered. You just want to be here about 45 minutes before the lesson you choose and we’ll set you up with everything. Just come inside to customer service and we’ll get you everything you need.
SAM: Thanks! Is there anything else you would advise for my first time skiing?
Staff: I would definitely do the three-day program, I mean at $ZZ you’re getting three lift ticketss, three rentals and three lessons. And they don’t have to be consecutive, you just have to use them within the season.
SAM: Oh, that’s a nice bonus, I don’t have to commit to three full days.
Staff: Nope, not at all! You can come on a weekend, a weekday, at night, on a holiday, whenever you want to be here.
SAM: Thanks so much for all the info.
Staff: Oh, you’re welcome, have a nice day!
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Friendly, knowledgeable and even thought to up-sell me on the three-day package. Kudos.
Identity revealed: Wachusett Mountain