The Question: Is there a family bathroom at the resort? I’d like to bring my little girl up there, but she is too young to use the women’s room by herself, and won’t go into the men’s room.
This is one of the most frequently asked questions Mount Snow guest services manager Claire MacGregor fields—and with good reason. Making it hassle-free for families with younger children to visit your resort is vital. Convenient bathroom facilities, including ones for families, just might be one of the most important components. Nothing ruins a family fun day like a little one having an accident because there isn’t a place for him or her to comfortably go potty. This applies to all seasons, and to mountain resorts of all sizes, regardless of how robust or low-key the operations are.
Do you have a Mountain Spy question for us to use? Claire did, and Mount Snow didn’t get a call this time. Email your question to Dave Meeker (, and if we use it, earn immunity for that issue.
Mountain 1, WI
First contact: Female
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: (silence…)
SAM: Hello?
Staff: I’m trying to think. There’s a lot of johns around here. Um, we don’t have one marked as a family bathroom. There’s a bathroom downstairs that has no designation, it’s just a door.
Staff: Umm, the change rooms are gender specific. Ummm… (silence…)
SAM: The unmarked one would work. It’s just a matter of her not going in by herself and me not going into the ladies’ room.
Staff: Realistically, unless you’re here when there’s a group or something, you really wouldn’t have to worry about it (pause). I know what days are going to be busier, but it’s pretty quiet otherwise. I’m not going to say it’s a non-issue, because it is a serious issue, but there isn’t much of a chance of someone else coming in if you did go into either of the gender-specific bathrooms. The unmarked one works for this, though.
SAM: Alrighty, thanks for the info. Hopefully we’ll see you this summer.
Staff: Sounds good. Bye.
Rating: 5
Comment: She caught herself, and realized recommending a dude going into the ladies’ room, even though no one else is there, isn’t a good idea. The conversation could’ve ended at, “it’s just a door.”
Mountain 2, WI
Answering phone: Recording, says to hold for assistance.
First contact (after a minute of silence): Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: I actually don’t know that, because I’m not at their location. I just take messages for them because it’s off-season and they just check in for their messages. Do you want me to take a message and have someone return your call?
SAM: No thanks.
Staff: OK. Buh-bye.
Rating: 3
Comment: Points for actually having an answering service and not just a machine. But she should identify herself as such.
Mountain 3, CA
Answering phone: Automated machine. Waited for operator.
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, I don’t think so, no. Let me just check. Give me one second, OK? (holding…)
Staff: OK, no we don’t.
SAM: Alright, gotcha.
Staff: OK?
Staff: OK, bye.
Rating: 3
Comment: Thanks for double-checking. No thanks for not even trying to offer a solution.
Mountain 4, CO
Answering phone: Automated machine. Chose operator.
First contact: Male.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We do. We do. We have one in X. That’s really the main one I know about. It right in—are you familiar with the mountain?
SAM: A little bit.
Staff: So it’s in that X building, right by the X lift. It’s downstairs, near where guest services usually is.
SAM: Awesome. Is it nearby where the activities are?
Staff: It sure is. All of our activities are in that general area, so it’s pretty convenient.
SAM: Cool. Are there signs and stuff, or should I just ask a staffer?
Staff: Yeah, you can do that. But it is clearly marked, so you should be able to find it pretty easily.
SAM: Sweet. Thanks, man.
Staff: Yeah, you’re welcome. Hope to see you soon.
Rating: 9
Comment: Excellent job. Very polite, and made sure to ask if I was familiar with the area before spouting directions.
Mountain 5, MA
Answering phone: Automated machine. Chose operator.
First contact: Male.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Aaaaaaahhhhhh … let’s see. Trying to think. Not really. There’s a handicap one, but we don’t use it in the summertime. There are bathrooms. You can probably wait right outside the door, or something.
SAM: OK. Are they nearby activities and stuff?
Staff: Right near where we sell the tickets.
SAM: Alrighty. Thanks, man.
Staff: No problem. Have a good one.
Rating: 3
Comment: Aaahhhh, yeah. That wasn’t very helpful.
Mountain 6, NY
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We do not.
SAM: OK. What are the facilities like? Just men’s and women’s?
Staff: Yeah. Just a couple stalls in the men’s and a couple stalls in the women’s.
SAM: Alrighty. Thanks.
Staff: Take care.
Rating: 2
Comment: Thanks for making me feel awkward for asking.
Mountain 7, MI
Answering phone: Automated machine. Chose operator.
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We do have a family bathroom here at the lodge. It’s right in the main lobby. Our locker rooms, unfortunately, are gender specific. But we do have a family bathroom.
SAM: OK, great. Is it nearby the activities and stuff?
Staff: Yeah, the lodge is kind of the main building at the resort, so pretty much everything is nearby. It should be convenient no matter what you guys are doing at the resort.
SAM: Awesome. Thanks!
Staff: Yeah, of course. Have a great day!
Rating: 9
Comment: Super nice and efficient. Great job!
Mountain 8, PA
Answering phone: Automated machine. Chose operator.
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We don’t have any family bathrooms. They are all, you know, individual. There are stalls! We can have someone close it off for you. When are you coming?
SAM: Not quite sure yet, just wondering about the bathroom situation.
Staff: Sure, sure! No problem. We can certainly try to accommodate. I’m sure there will be someone around to help and make sure no one, you know, goes into the bathroom while you’re in there. Shouldn’t be a problem.
SAM: Oh, that’s very nice. Thanks!
Staff: You’re welcome! Hope to see you soon.
Rating: 8
Comment: You know, it’s not out of the question to do what she’s suggesting to make it easier on a family. Nice job. Though it might be easier to simply build or designate a family bathroom.
Mountain 9, UT
First contact: Male.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Oof. Ah. I don’t remember seeing one. Let me transfer you to X, she would have a better idea than I would. Hold on.
Answering machine picks up. Didn’t leave a message.
Rating: 2
Comment: She can’t be the only one who would know if there’s a family bathroom, can she?
Mountain 10, ID
Answering phone: Automated machine. Chose marketing.
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, this is always a good number to call with any questions! So, your timing is good on this question. Are you thinking of going up there this week?
SAM: No, sometime this summer. But I’m not sure when.
Staff: OK, right now we’re in the midst of a large construction project, adding new features for the summer, and our base area lodge is currently under construction. And one of the things that’s under construction right now are the bathrooms. Are you familiar with the resort?
SAM: Kind of. I’ve been there once or twice.
Staff: OK. So, the larger bathrooms are on what we call the ground level. And then we have some bathrooms on the main level, the level where you purchase your food and such. Right now, all of the bathrooms are under construction because they’re redoing them all, so, presently, there are no place to go to the bathroom (laughs).
SAM: Ha! Gotcha.
Staff: There are some port a potties around, but technically the mountain is closed right now. We will be open for summer July 1. At that time, well, the first goal of our bathrooms is, in the past, on our main floor we’ve had just a women’s bathroom and a men’s bathroom. But, as part of this construction project, they’re actually turning what was a janitor’s closet in between the two bathrooms into a family bathroom. So, when you come up and visit later on this summer, there will be a family bathroom! That’s a long answer to your easy question (laughs).
SAM: (Laughing).
Staff: That project is on the fast track to make sure we have at least those main level bathrooms completed by the time we open. So, it was very good timing for your question!
SAM: Nice! Thanks for the info.
Staff: Of course. You’re more than welcome to go up there now, but you’re just gonna have to wait until the first of July to have a place to go to the bathroom.
SAM: Yeah, can’t leave a 3-year-old with no place to go potty.
Staff: For sure. I know how that goes. The first of July we’re going to have some great summer family features, like a bungee trampoline, summer tubing, gem panning station—some engaging activities for kids. We’re also building a mountain bike pump track that will be cool for little kids to ride strider bikes and stuff.
SAM: Wow. Sounds awesome. Exciting stuff.
Staff: Yeah, it really is. It’s gonna be awesome.
SAM: Well, thanks a bunch for all the information.
Staff: Oh, you bet. I’m glad. I’m actually happy to be able to say that! It’s good to know that somebody wants them!
SAM: I’m definitely not the only one!
Staff: Well, great. Is there anything else I can help you with?
SAM: Nope. That does it.
Staff: All right. I look forward to seeing you this summer. Take care.
Rating: 10
Comment: Funny, informative, and understanding. Well done, Sissy!
Identity revealed: Bogus Basin, Idaho