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What's New?
Tornado rotating snowboard binding from Forward Motion; hand-held digital anemometer from Kestrel; replacement ski lift cable from Engineered Components; Tek-1 wicking underwear from Performance Sports Apparel; hand-held barcode reader from Asset Management Technologies; Customer registration software from Sport Select; Automatic snow reporting system and screen saver from Cylogic; Plaspack fencing with pre-sewn pole pockets; Online auction service of open beds and packages from Bid 4 Vacations; Odor eliminator from Twinstar Industries; Snowpusher plow blade for bakhoes and tractors; Web page design service from Painted Rain; hydraulic lifting systems for snowmaking towers from McKinney Industries; stand-alone green-electric power generator from National Solar Technologies; Snow Wolf plow for skid steer loaders; direct marketing list creation from Digital Asset Management; central reservations links for member hotels from Inntopia.com; Internet access for hotel guests from Cyberoom. -
This cover shows the Snowbird tram outfitted with a lifting frame and carrying the top terminal's bullwheel for the new Mineral Basin quad chair. Top terminal hardware was transported by the tram while bottom terminal gear was carried with a converted snowcat/trailer over spring snowpack. Full story on page 68 of same issue. -
Industry Reports
Vail wins in court again; Death at SLC show; ASC finds investor; La Nina persists; RCR Purchases Mont-Sainte-Anne; Vans acquires High Cascade Snowboard Camp; Cable car accident; Oregon ski areas bought; OR moves on-snow demo; New hall of famers; People; Supplier News. -
Construction Site
Snowbird's Mineral Basin quad project by Carl Skylling; Bretton Woods added a fixed-grip quad; Jiminy Peak moved a house to the summit; Sugar Bowl added a fixed-grip quad, a high-speed quad, trails and snowmaking; Hermon Mountain, Me., added its first chairlift. -
Our Customers: Younger, More Riding
The National Skier/Boarder Opinion Survey shows a continuation of the previous year's trends, the total sliding population is getting younger and the tremendous growth in snowboarding is slowing as convert skiers are dwindling. -
Idea Files
Padded J-bars at Ski LIberty, Pa.; motor room awnings at Crystal Mountain, Mich.; portable electric generator for snowmaking on x-c trails at Mansfield Outdoor Center, Ont. -
The Trouble with WinterÃPart II
This second and final part of the series explains the logic behind cold roofs and other technological features that offer solutions to ice damming and snow dumping from roofs. -
Blue Pages
New Scene for Ski Media with demise of Mountain Sports & Living (Snow Country) and addition of Elevation, Freeskier and Ski's signing of John Fry, once again; Boarders Probe Defenses of No-Ride Resorts; NSAA Seeks to Launch Environmental Charter; Distinctive Marketing Hustle from MOD Resorts with GETSkiing instruction philosophy; Bad Break for Absolut (ad campaign); New Research, Exciting Message on the Way from Z-Sport; Short Turns: Snowtime, Inc., Tim Cohee to Killington. -
Worksleds 2000
This roundup of the available utility models of snowmobiles features a chart for comparisons and a brief writeup on the differences and improvements over last year's machines. -
The End Page
Vital Statistics from NSGA about women and an American Demographics sidebar on insect repellent; Poorly placed signs at or near ski areas. -
Resorts as Retailers: Expanding Avenue or Wrong Turn?
This article explores the increasing use of retail shops owned by mountain resorts for added revenue. It can be a profitable venture as long as retail outlets are visible, provide good service and are run by people with retail savvy. -
Finally, Some common sense in Season Pass Pricing
Bob's piece speaks to the season pass wars of the summer that saw eastern resorts waging a battle similar to Colorado resorts. Dropping the price for frequent skiing makes sense, he says, stimulating early decisions to ski all season while making up price cuts in volume. -
New Sewage Treatments are Ecological and Economical
"Grand Targhee Employs New Wastewater Science" by Michael Commins and "Living Machine to Purify Smugglers' Notch Sewage" by Jonathan Gourlay appeared side by side in this article describing these two approaches to purifying resort wastewater without the use of chemicals or large sewage lagoons. -
Snowshoeing/XC Debate
Wiesel's piece points out the wrong-headedness among XC area operators who think snowshoeing is a threat to nordic skiing. Instead, Wiesel argues, snowshoeing should be embraced and integrated into the offerings at nordic ski centers to take advantage of the earning potential. -
OpSki Takes Aim at the Military Market
This article explains the OpSki organization and its ability to help ski areas reach a valuable source of skiers, Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force bases. -
Environmental Charter
Stokes, a facilitator with The Keystone Center, explains the center's role in helping the NSAA hammer out an environmental charter and principles by bringing as many representatives of the divergent "stakeholders" together as possible in a forum to discuss aims and concerns. -
Standards for Judging Riders
Article discussing the controversy between judging at FIS events and the snowboard world and how the International Judges Commission formed to create a comprehensive snowboarding judges manual. The idea is to influence FIS policy by being active participants in the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association. -
Preparing for Annual Lift Inspections
This is a practical manual on how ski areas should prepare for annual inspections, laying out the necessary documentation, tests and information that should be made available to the inspector. -
Programs: BOarding for Kids
This piece describes the non-profit Chill organization set up by Jake Burton Carpenter that provides inner-city youth with the opportunity to try snowboarding at partner resorts for a total of seven visits. There's also a sidebar on the Snowboard Outreach Society that also targets at-risk youth at a handful of western resorts. -
To Mediate or Not to Mediate
The article outlines how two parties involved in a lawsuit can save time and money by opting for either arbitration or mediation to avoid going to court. -
Helicopter Rescue Options Expand for Ski Resorts
This piece outlines the recent FAA decision to open U.S. helicopter-hoist rescues to civilian operations and outlines the gear and training needed. Previously, the use of a hoistline in difficult-to-reach helicopter rescues in the U.S. was limited to military helicopters. -
Hosting Company Picnics
A profile of how and why Mt. Hood Skibowl, Ore., created the popular notion of using its grounds for summer picnincs for individuals and companies. The area has added a number of off-season activities that are lucrative and more than self-sustaining. -
Averting a Lift Disaster
This article profiles an ice buildup problem in a lift tower at Snow Trails, Ohio, that could have been disastrous. A small 3/16 hole in the top of the tower let in rain over the years until it was full and froze in late 1998, destroying the tower and almost shedding the sheave trains. -
Ride and ASC Find Much Needed Working Capital
This report outlines the recent ASC and Ride Snowboards deals that allowed them to continue operating and make improvements. -
How to Select an Architect
When considering improvements or new buildings, doing a little homework will ensure choosing the right architect for the job. -
Seth Says: E-Commerce going local. Right Now.
Seth says its high time retailers become Internet savvy so they don't miss the boat as others start selling directly to customers via e-commerce sites. -
Letters: Snow Monsters
A letter of support and encouragement to other ski areas from George Willett, president of Mount Showdown, Mont., to use the Snow Monsters ski safety awareness program in marketing efforts; a letter from Michael Berry, president of NSAA, encouraging the same; a letter from Steve Wells pointing out top management at areas need to get their operations people and marketing p[eople working together for a common goal; a correction pointing out July's "SUV Take on Resorts" was the idea of Sugar Bowl, Calif., not Snow Valley.