SAM Magazine—Big Bear, Calif., July 26, 2018— Big Bear Mountain Resort (BBMR) has named Wade Reeser as its new chief operations officer. Reeser was raised in Big Bear Valley and has been with BBMR for 25 years. He has served in numerous roles within the company; most recently, he was the resort’s general manager, overseeing BBMR during its integration into the newly formed Alterra Mountain Company. 

 “These are exciting times for the future of Big Bear Mountain Resort and the Big Bear Valley as a whole,” WadeReeserWebReiser said. “Alterra Mountain Company is fully supportive of our vision for Big Bear Mountain Resort. 

“With the resources and financial backing now at our disposal we have a tremendous opportunity in front of us, and I’m thrilled to lead our team through it.” BBMR looks to launch several new capital projects to improve the resort’s products, terrain, and facilities, he added.

As general manager, Reeser managed several high profile development projects, including a multi-million dollar capital improvement that featured the construction of the new Snow Summit Adventure Academy. BBMR breaks ground on a second Adventure Academy this summer.

Photo courtesty BBMR.