dustin combs 250


Title: IT Operations, Perfect North Slopes, Ind.

Age: 29

Hometown: Lawrenceburg, Ind.

Six-word bio: Continue learning, grow, stay humble, love.

First job in the industry: Rental shop at Perfect North.

How did you get here?

I was introduced to skiing at a young age and had developed a love for it early on. So when I was old enough to start working, at age 14, I naturally gravitated to working at the ski area.

What makes IT important?

Whether it’s staff scheduling and communication, electronic documentation, digital signage, or renting helmets, technology is intertwined in all of those. Good IT systems ultimately translate to a better product for our guests. These are areas I feel we have influenced in a positive way so that they continue to contribute to our business.

What do you love most about your job?

I really love having the opportunity to invest in the people at our area. I hope to have a positive impact on the lives of the people I work with, and that their experience here will be a unique one that stays with them for years to come. I feel it’s important to surround yourself with capable individuals that enjoy their time here. The coffee and PBJs are pretty great, too.

What makes you a good leader?

I would say I’m a problem solver. Also, we are always looking to invest in positive people and surround ourselves with energetic employees that will translate that enthusiasm to the customer. Identifying people who bring that is an important role that a leader must take on.

Your nominator also called you a problem solver. Can you give us an example?

We decided to offer a free daily ski and snowboard check, where customers can drop off their equipment and we secure it for them while they’re taking a break. We were trying to come up with a way to track it, so we developed a system using our point of sale software and hand-held scanners. We attach a tag with a barcode onto their equipment, scan the tag and the barcode on their lift ticket, and connect the two. It’s truly a digitized, all-electronic way to track personal equipment and keep it safe.

In 10 years?

I love this place, but didn’t think I’d be in this position here 10 years ago. I’d like to continue to be a part of it, and continue to improve the efficiencies of the business and invest in it, keep the needle moving and contribute to its success.

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