September 2023
September 2023

The Training Conundrum
To develop the next generation of mountain ops employees, we must find new ways to provide crucial training and pass along expertise. Raise your hand if you’ve heard the term “YouTube University” thrown around in your shop. Now, keep it raised if you yourself have said it. (Insert raised hand here.) It’s time to retire this dad joke. Yes, the internet is a modern-day guru, providing answers whenever we ask for them, day, night, or mid-panic attack on a holiday weekend after a surface lift breaks down. As handy as they are, though, YouTube videos and the MacGyver quick fixes they provide are not realistic or lasting replacements for in-person, hands-on, continuing education. ...

How does personal accident insurance work, and is it changing the risk and liability game at resorts?

Ski areas focus on improving relations and benefits as more employees seek to leverage collective bargaining.

Resorts look to housing, increased wages, and even wellness benefits to bridge lingering post-Covid staffing gaps.

A creative counterweight, conveyor location labels, and inexpensive ski racks.

Lift and facility upgrades for the 2023-24 season aim to enhance the guest experience.

Two ski areas look to reduce financial and environmental costs with new state-of-the-art, clean heating systems.

Les Otten nears the starting line on his ambitious plan to revive a historic ski area and resort deep in New Hampshire's Great North Woods.

More resorts are moving toward cashless transactions thanks to a slew of benefits.

How to identify the risks and capitalize on the opportunities of Artificial Intelligence.

To develop the next generation of mountain ops employees, we must find new ways to provide crucial training and pass along expertise.