I planning a family vacation and have a 14-month old. What kind of babysitting do you offer at your resort?
Mountain 1, VT
First Contact: Male.
SAM: Stated question. Transferred somewhere else.
Answering phone: Female. Thick accent, but very nice sounding.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: Okay, well, um yes, we do have a daycare program that is for just the day and it's from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the afternoon and the full day is $80. You can do a half day, too, from 8:30 to noon and that is $67.
SAM: Great. So those are just for the day? Do you off anything at night?
Staff: Um, at night, no, we do not have the daycare program. The only thing we do have is a babysitting list, but we don't take care of that for you. We would e-mail you the list and you would go through it on your own to find someone to babysit for you.
SAM: Okay, well that's a nice option. Do you know what their hourly charge is?
Staff: I don't, no.
SAM: Okay. Who makes this list? How do you find these babysitters?
Staff: Actually it is the supervisor of the daycare. The manager of that program makes the list.
SAM: Great, thanks so much.
Rating: 7
Comment: Great facts, but could have used another detail or two.
Mountain 2, VT
First contact: Female, very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay, are you staying at the X or Y lodge?
SAM: I'm not sure, yet.
Staff: Okay, well let me transfer you to X lodge who will be able to help you.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: I'm sorry we don't offer babysitting. There is a daycare over at X peak. Um, let me see if I can find that number for you. Hold on one second please. Hold time: 1 minute
Staff: Okay, so like I said, they offer a daycare program over there. silence.
SAM: It's just at X Peak right? So you don't offer anything at night?
Staff: We don't, no, but you could call the town association center who has a list of local babysitters that would be able to help you. (Given phone number.)
SAM: Great, thanks.
Staff: You're welcome, bye!
Rating: 4
Comment: Hmm, wasn't I meant to get the number for the mountain day care?
Mountain 3, CO
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Automated machine. Hold time: 4 minutes. Music: Arabian Nights
Answering phone: Young female, very sweet sounding. "Hello, this is Amber, what's your name please?"
SAM: Kate.
Staff: Hello. Kate, how are you today?
SAM: Good, thanks. How are you?
Staff: I'm greeeat, thanks for asking! Now, how can I help you today?
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um well, we do in each of the villages there is a daycare center. They're open all day for as long as the lifts are open. Let me get that information for you. Are you all coming out to X or Y?
Staff: Okay, great, where are you staying in Y since there are actually two daycare centers?
SAM: I'm not sure yet. I needed to make this preliminary call to make sure babysitting was available.
Staff: Oh, of course, definitely need to make sure there's care for the 14-month-old! Well, Y has A and B centers and it depends on where you're staying and where you'd like to ski to determine which one is easier. Would you like the phone numbers of both of those?
SAM: That would be great, thanks. (Given contact info for both centers.)
Staff: Do you want to book anything today with me then?
SAM: Um, probably not yet, I just needed to make sure babysitting was available and then we'll decide. Do you offer any babysitting at night?
Staff: Umm, let me look on our website and see what their hours are. Umm, it looks like those centers are only open until 4:30. But Kate, can I put you hold for just one second and I can double-check that for you?
SAM: Sure, thanks. Hold time: 2 minutes.
Staff: Soooo sorry that took so long! I talked with one of my supervisors and he said that the concierge wherever you're staying would probably be able to help you more. Special Services does have night babysitting available, it's just that neither of us can find that number at the moment. I even tried googling it and I couldn't find it. Ha, go figure. However the concierge though, wherever you plan to stay, will definitely be able to get in contact with Special Services. So you may just want to double-check that as you make your booking.
SAM: Great, thanks.
Staff: Oh. you're very welcome, thanks for calling!
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Stellar facts and presentation. But because Mountain Spy is cruel, minus .5 for the lack of number.
Mountain 4, MA
First Contact: Young female. Pleasant souding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Uhh, we don't have don't have babysitting here.
SAM: Okay. Well, I'm trying to visit with my entire family, but I have the baby. And I would love to ski with my husband. You don't have any other options for me?
Staff: We don't have childcare here.
SAM: What would you advise me to do then?
Staff: Umm, one adult ski and one stay with the child.
SAM: Right, but then I would only have to buy one lift ticket, I guess. That's unfortunate for the ski area but I guess it's our only option.
Staff: Well, each one of you needs to have a lift ticket.
SAM: Right, but if we trade off watching the child, we'll share the same jacket and only have to buy one. It's our only option apparently.
Staff: Uh, okay. Silence
SAM: Okay then, thanks.
Rating: 1
Comment: Anyone else feel a chill in the air?
Mountain 5, VT
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator
Answering phone: Female. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Yes, we certainly do have childcare and if you plan to stay at our resort, it's included in your stay. So, it's actually free. Would you like me to connect you with childcare services?
SAM: Not right now, I just wanted to make this first call to be sure you offered the service.
Staff: Of course, you would just need to be sure to call ahead of time to make reservations. For example, our Christmas holiday is already pretty booked up. You don't want to call that day, you want to be sure to call ahead of time.
SAM: Okay great, thanks for the tip. So your childcare is both during the day and at night then?
Staff: Yes, it is. Just be sure to call beforehand.
SAM: Great, thanks!
Rating: 7
Comment: Quick facts, but great reservation tip.
Mountain 6, ME
First Contact: Young female, peppy sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Yes! We have a wonderful daycare center over at X village, which is right across from the bunny slope, which makes it easy to handle all your kids in once place! And they take children from eight weeks to five years old. Would you like me to put you in contact with the daycare center? They would be happy to give you all of the details.
SAM: Great. I don't think I need to speak with them yet, I just wanted to make sure it was available. Is it only during the day or do they also offer night-time childcare?
Staff: That specific center is mostly just during the day until 5 p.m., which is actually past when our lifts close so it'll give you time to relax after skiing. For night care, Susy, who's the director of childcare there, provides a list for us at the hotel of babysitter providers that she's been in contact with and knows well. So we can use that list to help you find a babysitter at night.
SAM: Sounds great, thanks so much!
Rating: 9
Comment: Upbeat attitude with reassuring facts.
Mountain 7, MI
First contact: Female. Very sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Sure, our da care is available whenever we're open and it's a very nice facility. I would let you talk to them directly, but since we're not open yet, they aren't actually there yet either, he he!
SAM: Oh, no problem.
Staff: But I can certainly tell you that they're wonderful people who specialize in early childhood daycare. They actually have a place downtown where they're open year-round as a typical daycare center and then they come up and work here during the winter. So they're definitely professionals.
SAM: Thanks, that's definitely reassuring. Do you know what the prices are?
Staff: Hmm, let me grab a price sheet, here we go. It might just be easier if I read this to you. So they have a 3,000-square-foot facility with 12 creative and active play area environments for children to meet new friends, nap rooms and cribs are available, hot lunch is delivered from our cafeteria for $5 extra and parent can check in and out throughout the day. A full-day from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. is $50, their evening rate from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. is $35 and their hourly rate is $12 throughout the day. They also have a Fun In the Snow program for children who are 3 and 4 years of age. I'm not sure if you have other children, but if you do that's also available.
SAM: I do, yes, and something I will certainly think about.
Staff: Great. So the program is held during the holidays where children go outside and learn and play with plastic skis and other activities.
SAM: Lots of information, thanks so much for you help!
Staff: Oh, no problem. Have a great day and thanks for calling.
Rating: 10
Comment: Superb background facts, which always make a mom feel more comfortable and gave extra information before I had to ask.
Mountain 8, WA
First contact: Operator.
SAM: Stated question. Transferred to "that department."
Answering phone: Hi ,this is Kelly! How can I help you?
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Sure! When are you coming?
SAM: I'm not sure yet, probably not until January.
Staff: Oh, okay. Well, we recommend at least a 24-hour notice. Our sitters are local kids and staff members, it just depends on who is available. They've all gone through CPR training and have had background checks, etc. Everyone is pretty much straight as an arrow! He he he! And what they'll do is just come to your room and any special needs you have, the sitter will certainty work to accommodate those. Um, we ask for a minimum of $9 per hour, but if you'd like to pay more that's great, but completely up to you. Babysitting is a minimum of three hours and we do charge a small $5 booking fee when you make the reservation. (Whew, take a breath, sister)
SAM: Great, so that sounds like sitting at night, which is what I was also looking for, but do you offer day as well by chance?
Staff: We do certainly. We have the XX center that's available for half days or full days while you're skiing, etc.
SAM: Thanks so much!
Staff: Anytime! Whenever you're ready just give us a call back and we can set you up with whatever you need.
Rating: 9
Comment: Top notch details with a top notch attitude.
Mountain 9, MN
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Female. Very sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Oh, we do not. I'm so sorry. We don't have like a daycare center or anything like that. It is something we're definitely considering implementing though.
SAM: All right. Well I'm just trying to figure out what to do because I would really love to ski with my husband and not have to have one of us watch the child while the other skis. Since you don't have it, what do you advise we do, there are no other options?
Staff: I'm so sorry, we don't. Boy, I mean there are people that come with younger children and do trade off. That might be your only option unless you can find someone locally. Maybe you could try calling a local daycare and they would have someone available to come up. I'm sorry I can't help you much further though.
SAM: No worries, it's not your fault. I just needed to check.
Staff: Okay, well thanks for calling, I sure hope you still choose to come here this winter.
Rating: 7
Comment: Very caring attitude and tried to help me regardless.
Mountain 10, MT
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "central reservations."
Answering phone: Young female, very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay, at night you can get a babysitter to come to your room that you would set up with the concierge. Otherwise, in the daytime, there is daycare facility and for a 14-month old that price would be, um, it looks like 6- to 23-months from 8:30 4:30 is $100 and then a half day is $75.
SAM: All right. So, I assume your daily babysitting facility is near the base village of the mountain?
Staff: Yup! Right at the base.
SAM: Okay, great. And for the nighttime, do you know how much you charge for babysitters?
Staff: Umm, maaaybe $10. I'm not sure though. Okay, then?!
SAM: Um, sure, thanks.
Rating: 6
Comment: Friendly attitude, but in such a rush. I'm a nervous Mom, remember?
Mountain 11, UT
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "mountain specialist."
Answering phone: Automated machine. Chose reservations.
Answering phone: Young female. Annoyed sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We don't actually have any babysitting. Umm, we don't like provide any daycare or anything like that. (Silence) Umm, however, there is a company called XX and they're up the road off of Main Street. They would be able to send a babysitter to wherever you're staying or you can drop your child off there for the day.
SAM: Sounds good, thanks. You said they're up the road, but about how far?
Staff: Umm, about a mile I guess.
SAM: Oookay. Is it close to your base area where I could walk or do you think I would need a car?
Staff: Where are you staying?
SAM: We're planning to stay in your base area.
Staff: Okay, then yeeeah, you would probably need a car or you could take the shuttle.
SAM: Great. And have you heard good things about this place, do a lot of your customers use it?
Staff: I have. It's really one of the only childcare facilities in this area so a lot of locals use it, as well as our customers.
SAM: Great, thanks so much.
Rating: 5
Comment: Good info, but not so great attitude.
Mountain 12, UT
First Contact: Female. Very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We do!
SAM: Great, do you have any details?
Staff: Sure thing. Have you been on our website before to look?
SAM: I haven't, no.
Staff: Okay, well let me look and see if it's updated yet. I was told yesterday in our staff meeting that prices from last year would not change so everything should be recent. Do you have access to the Internet?
SAM: Yup.
Staff: Great. So if you go to and go to our daycare facility site in the first drop down menu you'll see everything there.
SAM: That sounds wonderful, thanks so much.
Staff: Oh, you bet, have a great day.
Rating: 8
Comment: Short and sweet with a website I can reference.
Mountain 13, OR
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Male. Short sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Uh, we have a daycare. Silence
SAM: Ookay. Is it just during the day or at night?
Staff: Not overnight. Silence
SAM: All right, well do you have any details about it?
Staff: Um, let me transfer you down there. (Good idea.)
Answering phone: Young female, sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, we're a state-certified facility and we can take anywhere from 6 weeks up to 12 years old. Um, we have three sections that we break the children into either for infants or toddlers. Yours would be a toddler. It's just for those in the stage of walking about. And then we have a ratio of one teacher to every four children. We provide two snacks throughout the day as well as lunch.
SAM: Sounds great, just what I was looking for. What are your prices?
Staff: Well two hours is $50, four hours is $75 and anything over four hours is $95.
SAM: Great and what are your hours?
Staff: We are open from nine to four everyday.
SAM: Well, thanks so much I appreciate it.
Staff: No problem and if you plan to come up you can easily go to our website at and go to our childcare site. We have a few forms you would need to fill out, which you can do ahead of time online to save some time.
SAM: Thanks!
Rating: 6.5
Comment: Saved by a well-placed transfer. Might want to check the frontline, though.
Mountain 14, Canada
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "all other inquiries."
Answering phone: Young female, very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Sure, let me just do a quick check on that. Right, so I have a feeling your child might be too young for us. Yup, the youngest we take is 18 months. But ,no worries, what we can do for you is give you the numbers of two local nanny and babysitter services who have nannies on call.
SAM: Great, thanks. (Given phone numbers of both services.) Okay, so those are local companies that will come to your resort?
Staff: Sure thing. And the second one I gave you has a website, which will give you further information. Both are great and lots of our guest use them.
SAM: Thanks so much.
Staff: Oh, no problem, have a great day.
Rating: 8
Comment: Friendly attitude topped with short and sweet answer.
Mountain 15, Canada
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "guest services."
Answering phone: Male, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Sure, and you're coming around what time?
SAM: I'm not sure yet, probably around mid-January.
Staff: Well, we do have a daycare service. And they take children from one to six years of age.
SAM: Great, thanks. And is it all day and located near the base of the mountain or do you also provide night?
Staff: Sure, well it's during the day and it's within the base of our X hotel. So you can either do a full day or half day and with or without lunch. And we used to do night babysitting in our hotel, but I don't think we do it anymore, unfortunately.
SAM: Okay, great. I can check out more details on your website by any chance?
Staff: Oh yeah, if you go on our website,, there's a search motor in the top righthand corner and if you type in 'daycare' the second choice down will give you all the information you need.
SAM: Sounds perfect, thanks so much.
Rating: 6
Comment: Solid information with a good attitude, but the Mountain Spy had to coax it out of him.