Can I bring my ski bike to your mountain?
Mountain 1, CO
First Contact Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Young female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question. Transferred to Ski Patrol.
Answering phone: Older, wiser sounding gentleman.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Hmmm. Why?
SAM: Well, just because I've taken it to other places and have been trying the new sport lately and am actually pretty good at it. So I was wondering if I could bring it there?
Staff: Actually, the only people we really allow on a ski bike are people who have a physical handicap.
SAM: Okay, so you just don't allow the recreational ski bikes on your mountain?
Staff: No, we don't.
SAM: All right. Hmm, well is that just standard company policy or can I come show you that I know how to ride it and that it's safe?
Staff: No, it's our company policy.
SAM: Just company policy, okay. Well do you think you'll ever allow it?
Staff: That I do not know. You're actually the first one to bring it up. (Chuckles to himself.)
SAM: Do you just not allow it because you haven't come up with a policy, yet or because you think they're not safe?
Staff: Oooh, I could not answer that. It's been policy forever. Yeah, forever. (Forever? Thought I was the first to ask?)
SAM: Forever is a long time. Thanks anyway!
Staff: Oh, you're welcome, have a good day.
Rating: 6
Comment: Enthusiastic customer service is not this patroller's forte, but he stuck it out with me.
Mountain 2, WY
First Contact Automated machine. Chose resort operator.
Answering Phone: Young female, peppy sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Ski bike?! Hmm, I'm not sure, let me double check.
Hold time: 1:30. No music.
Staff: Okay! Are you still there?
SAM: Yup! (Just barely.)
Staff: Okay. So is this a disability situation?
SAM: Nope, just for recreation.
Staff: I think, I think they only let people do that with the adaptive skiing program. Otherwise it's not generally encouraged.
SAM: Hmm, not generally encouraged. (So you're saying there's a chance!)
Staff: Yeah, cause you might just race down the mountain with it, ya' know.
SAM: Right. That's why I was calling because some places allow them and some don't, so I wanted to understand your policy.
Staff: Yeeah, I think if you got in touch with the adaptive ski people you could do something with them! Otherwise, yeaaah.
SAM: So, otherwise I couldn't bring it in and show ski patrol or someone that it is legitimate and safe and that I didn't just build it in my basement and that I can actually ride the thing?
Staff: Yeeah, I mean if you want to do that you can definitely bring it over here and talk to them if it's easy for you to get it here. If it's not though chances are they will say no so it might not be worth the hassle.
SAM: Okay, well do you ever think you're going to allow it?
Staff: I'm, not, sure. (I hear her talking in the background "Are we ever going to allow it? It's a hazard?! Yeeah. Okay, okay.") So did you hear that or should I repeat it?
SAM: Ha ha, just the part where he called it a hazard.
Staff: Sure, ha ha, well he was just explaining that due to the steepness of our hill and the sharp corners that this mountain has that other mountains don't, it would be a bit more hazardous here than other places.
SAM: Okay, no problem. Thanks though!
Staff: Oh, you're welcome, have a great day!
Rating: 8
Comment: Enthusiastic and patient.
Mountain 3, CA
First Contact Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Young male, laid back and nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Yes!
SAM: Oh, really?
Staff: Yup.
SAM: Okay! So you guys just allow personal ski bikes to come there and just ride around.
Staff: Yup!
SAM: Awesome. Well is there anything else I need to know because I've called some other places and a lot have restrictions on personal ski bikes.
Staff: Uhh, not that I know of. I can double-check for you though if you want.
SAM: Perfect. If you could double-check though that would be great, thanks.
Double checking
Staff: Yeah, no all you need is your ski bike and a lift ticket and you're good to go.
SAM: Great. Do I need a leash with it?
Staff: Nope.
SAM: Awesome, thanks so much!
Rating: 9
Comment: Well that was easy! Almost too easy.
Mountain 4, CA
First Contact Male. Gentleman-like.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, nooo, I don't think so. I don't think that is allowed, but if you'd like to talk to ski patrol I can put you through.
SAM: Well, if you're saying it's not allowed I believe you, but is there a particular reason why not?
Staff: Gosh, you know. I'm not sure. I've never seen one here before and I've always gotten the answer no because people want to use other types of things like that. There are all sorts of new fun stuff to ride on.
SAM: Okay, thanks. Well can I talk to patrol quickly?
Transferred to patrol
Answering phone: Dave. Not very excited sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, are you a disabled skier?
SAM: No.
Staff: Um, yeah, then we don't allow those. Do you have a retention strap on it?
SAM: Yeah I do, I have a leash.
Staff: Yeeah. And where do you hold it when you load a lift?
SAM: Well, the bike seat will sit on top of the chair seat and then when you put the bar down it doesn't go anywhere.
Staff: Yeeah, it's been our experience that it hasn't worked well here because you're walking out on the loading dock and there have been slips and falls and then there have been some tangles with snowboards getting off the lifts. It hasn't worked well for us, so I would have to say no.
SAM: Okay. Well I was just wondering because a few places in the area do allow them.
Staff: Like big, class-A resorts or places like X Mountain.
SAM: No, big places like Y Mountain. So I guess it's just your policy then, that's it?
Staff: Yeeah, sorry about that.
SAM: No worries, thanks.
Rating: 6
Comment: Yeeah. Good reasoning but don't dig on the little guys.
Mountain 5, MT
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering Phone: Female. A little rushed sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Sure can.
SAM: Oh I can?!
Staff: Yup, let me double-check, but as far as I'm aware there's no issue.
(Checking hold time: 1:00. No music.)
Staff: Yes, you can.
SAM: Awesome, is there anything I need to know before I come? Will anyone stop me or do I just need my lift ticket and I can get on the lift?
Staff: You'll just need your lift ticket and you can go ahead.
SAM: And just get right on the lift?
Staff: Yup!
SAM: Okay, thanks.
Rating: 7
Comment: Friendly service, but felt quick to answer and hang up.
Mountain 6, VT
First contact: Female. Very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Ummm, I believe that you can do that. I'm not really sure though. Let me think who I can contact. Hold on one second please.
(Hold time: 1:30. Music: Easy listening.)
Staff: Allll right! Those are actually not allowed here, sorry about that.
SAM: Not allowed, okay. Is that just your company policy or can I bring it in and show someone that I can ride it and that it's safe?
Staff: Yeah, I mean it's our company policy, but I can transfer you to the manager if you'd like and you can talk to him about it?
SAM: Sure, thanks.
Answering phone: Manager
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We don't allow snow bikes.
SAM: Any particular reason why not?
Staff: Our insurance policy doesn't allow it. Our liability insurance doesn't extend beyond snowboarding and skiing so if we did allow it we would have to take on the liability on our own and be self insured and it's just not worth the gamble.
SAM: Okay, good point. Do you think you'll ever allow it?
Staff: Oh, actually, yeah, I mean I know there's snow bikes is yours a trike?
SAM: Nope, it's your standard snow bike.
Staff: Right, so I know that there are a couple different manufactures we've been working with that are working very hard to get the insurance companies to allow them. And we just tried a trike here a week or so ago. Several of us went out and found them very maneuverable and easy use. So, time will tell. There's actually an event here in early February where insurance companies will be here looking at them. So we'll see!
SAM: Great, thanks so much.
Staff: Sorry about that, thanks for calling though.
Rating: 9
Comment: Nice transfer to the manager who patiently gave a great explanation.
Mountain 7, PA
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Young female. Favorite word: like.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, like, would you be going down the mountain you're saying? Like?
SAM: Right, like down the mountain.
Staff: Umm, no. We only allow them, like, on certain days when we have races.
SAM: So you allow them, but only on specific days?
Staff: Right. (Silence )
SAM: And, what are those days?
Staff: We do, like, races here. Um, but I don't see any coming up though.
SAM: So the races are just for ski bikes I assume?
Staff: Right. Ummm, yeah but, like, I don't see like any coming up.
SAM: Is anyone allowed to participate in those races?
Staff: Yeah.
SAM: Okay, but other than that you don't allow them?
Staff: Riiiight.
SAM: Is there any particular reason why?
Staff: Umm, ahh, like, I have no idea.
SAM: Alrighty then, thanks.
Rating: 3
Comment: I'm, like, allowed to race down the mountain but can't, like, practice?
Mountain 8, CT
First contact: Female. A little short.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: No, we don't allow them.
SAM: How come you don't allow them?
Staff: I don't know what the reasoning is, I just know we don't allow them. We've had several people inquire about it this year.
SAM: Oh, okay. Are you planning to ever allow them?
Staff: Doesn't sound like it.
SAM: Even if I come and talk to patrol and show them that it's safe and I can ride it?
Staff: I don't know what the reasoning is. I just know they're not allowed.
SAM: So you don't know when and if they might be allowed?
Staff: I have no idea whatsoever.
SAM: Okay, thanks.
Rating: 2
Comment: What do you know?
Mountain 9, NH
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Female. Chirpy sounding!
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Are you what?
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: No. No, they're not allowed. Nope.
SAM: Okay. Why not?
Staff: Because, they're not, umm, allowed. Because that's what management tells us.
SAM: Is there a particular reason? I know other places around there allow them.
Staff: We don't have, well our lifts aren't able to secure them.
SAM: Can I bring it and use it on the bunny hill if I walk with it?
Staff: Nope.
SAM: Nope. Do you know when and if you'll ever allow them?
Staff: I don't know. You could e-mail us and we could send it to management. It's not a decision we make in guest services.
SAM: Okay. Is there anyone else I can talk to you or is it just a closed door issue right now?
Staff: I can transfer you to safety services hold on. (That was abrupt. Transferred to safety services, no answer. Shucks.)
Rating: 3
Comment: Susie wasn't so chirpy toward the end.
Mountain 10, CO
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Young male. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Ski bike? Yes.
SAM: Awesome. Is there anything in particular I need to do when I come?
Staff: You would just have to go to the ticket office and sign the liability form.
SAM: Great and that's it?
Staff: Yeah, and well purchase a lift ticket.
SAM: Right. Okay great thanks so much.
Rating: 5.5
Comment: Sweet, but a little too short.
Mountain 11, MI
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
SAM: Stated question
(Transferred to rental shop.)
Answering phone: Female. Nice and patient sounding
Staff: I'm sorry what's that?
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: Ski bike, hmm. Let me ask real quick. Hold on one second please.
Staff: Um, no, we do not allow them on our hills.
SAM: Okay. How come you don't allow them?
Staff: I'm not 100 percent sure. I can find that out though. It's just what my boss said.
SAM: Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out why you don't or if you ever will.
Staff: Yeah. (Silence)
SAM: So, can you ask your boss?
Staff: Yes, one moment please. (Holding.) Um, so apparently it is okay if you're with an adaptive sports-type deal. Otherwise not if it's for recreation type activities.
SAM: Okay, well do you know if you're going to ever allow them?
Staff: No, it just has to do with our safety policy. They're really only allowed with our adaptive programs and things like that.
SAM: Sounds good, thanks.
Staff: You're welcome, have a great day.
Rating: 7
Comment: Patient with a good attitude.
Mountain 12, MI
First contact: Female. In need of some anti-cranky pills.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: No.
SAM: Okay.
Staff: Nope, we only allow skis and snowboards.
SAM: How come you don't allow ski bikes?
Staff: Because we only allow skis and snowboards. (Duh. Any other reasons?)
SAM: Do you know if you ever will allow them?
Staff: I have no clue. It might come up in the future, but right now there's no issue.
SAM: No issue. Hmm. Could I bring it up and talk to patrol or someone and show them it is safe and legitimate?
Staff: No. I'm sorry. They don't do that sort of thing.
SAM: Alrighy, thank you-
Staff: Mmm, good bye.
Rating: 1
Comment: Ouch. Somebody was having a bad day.
Mountain 13, WI
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Female. Nice enough sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: I'm sorry what was that?
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: Umm, hold on a second.
Staff: No, I'm sorry we do not allow them.
SAM: Okay, well do you ever think you'll allow them?
Staff: That I do not know. (Silence)
SAM: All right, well could I come and talk to patrol and show them that I bought a legitimate ski bike and that it's safe and that I can ride it?
Staff: Ah, well that's just our policy right now to not allow them so I doubt that would change anything.
SAM: Okay then, thanks.
Rating: 6
Comment: No foul for saying no. A little quick to get off the phone though.
Mountain 14, Canada
First contact: Operator
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, just hold on one second. (Transferred somewhere )
Answering phone: Female. Nice sounding, but in a rush.
Staff: No, unfortunately we don't allow them on the mountain. Sorry.
SAM: Why not?
Staff: You know I'm not 100 percent sure except for safety issues. When you load and unload the chairlift, you're considered a foot passenger so that's a little unsafe.
SAM: Oh, okay. So I wouldn't be able to bring it to your bunny hill or something?
Staff: Nope. No, unfortunately not.
SAM: Even if I didn't get on the chair?
Staff: Nope. No, sorry.
SAM: Do you think you're ever going to allow them?
Staff: It's just no as of right now. It has been brought up before because a lot of people are starting to use them. So I would just keep checking and hopefully it'll change soon.
SAM: Okay, thanks.
Rating: 5
Comment: A lot of negative answering, but she didn't completely shut me down.
Mountain 15, Canada
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Female, not very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Excuse me?
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: They're not permitted on our mountains.
SAM: All right. Do you know why they are not allowed?
Staff: Well, I do not make the laws and I do not know why it is like that, but I do not know.
SAM: Do you know if you ever will allow them?
Staff: I do not know, no.
SAM: Okay thanks.
Rating: 3
Comment: Geeze, the air is cold up north today. \