My Son has become completely obessed with Shaun White since the Olympics and now wants to be hime. How can I get that process started?
Mountain 1: New Hampshire
First Contact: Female, very chirpy and happy sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Ha ha ha! Okay, well, um, we're going to be open this weekend and we have a starter's special you might want to take advantage of. I'm assuming he doesn't have equipment?
SAM: Right.
Staff: Okay how old is he?
SAM: He's 12 and will be 13 this summer.
Staff: Okay, um, it's $70. It includes a rental of the snowboard and boots, a one-hour group lesson and an all-day value lift ticket for our beginner terrain which is the best place to start.
SAM: Great. How late will you be open this season?
Staff: We're open for two more weeks.
SAM: So this is something I could start him off with this week and then get him right back into next season?
Staff: Yup, absolutely. And this way at least you'll know whether he's going to like it or not before you go out and buy all of the equipment, ha ha ha, because those kids can be tricky.
SAM: I know! Shaun White, go figure. And then do you have any sort of progression teaching program where he starts at the introductory level and then if he does do well and does love it that he can progress into a different type of lesson?
Staff: Yup, of course. What we do is we have levels, skill levels. And what you can do next season is take part in our weekend program, learn-to-ride program. Or, you can take part in school programs. Where does he go to school?
SAM: He goes to the local middle school.
Staff: Okay, because some of the schools have a program with us, which is a really good option and they're great programs. They usually meet and come up here once a week. And, um, you can check with his school in the fall to see if they participate.
SAM: Sure that would be helpful.
Staff: Other than that we have a weekend learn-to-ski and -snowboard program where they come seven weekends in a row starting in early January either Saturday or Sunday, you pick which one. And that includes a one-hour lesson, tickets and rentals. And all of that information is our website with details, dates, etc.
SAM: That sounds great, I'll try to come up there this weekend and get him started.
Staff: Oh perfect! Glad I could be of assistance. We look forward to seeing you.
Rating: 9
Comment: Great details, great attitude, great all around.
Mountain 2: New Jersey
First contact: Automated machine. Chose "lessons."
Answering phone: Automated machine. (Grrrrr.) Chose operator.
Answering phone: Automated machine. (Seriously?!) Waiting for operator female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: And he wants to do what?
SAM: (Gave explanation)
Staff: All right well, the mountain is closed down now, but next year you can sign him up for X academy lessons. Now does he know how to do his turns and stuff?
SAM: Not really, he's barely been once with his friends, but it wasn't anything official. He's not exactly very good.
Staff: Okay, well then before he starts the academy he would have to be better at his turns so, umm, yeah he would just, ahh, start with basic lessons next year.
SAM: Okay sure, that's fine.
Staff: Let's see what we've got for him uhhh um How old is he?
SAM: 12
Staff: Okay and next year will he be 13?
SAM: Yup.
Staff: Okay so then we have a Y card package, um, package, um, that would benefit him. Basically it's a learn-to-ride package. A learn-to-ride package is $89 and comes with rentals for the day, lift ticket, um, and the hour and a half lesson. Um, so basically, ah, when you buy the Y card package at $119 it includes three of those lessons at a discounted price.
SAM: Great and that price includes the ticket and rentals for all three lessons?
Staff: Yes it does, um, and um, that's the best way to go to get him three lessons right away. And they call it a Y card because if he feels he still can't turn or stop after three lessons he can, um, have um, more lessons, until he can, um. He would just have to pay, um, it's not the same, um, he would have to get his own rentals and lift ticket is all, but the lessons would be free. Ahh, yeah that's it.
SAM: Great.
Staff: Yeeah, and he can progress from there. Once he learns his turns and stopping real good and such, umm, he can take jib lessons down at the terrain park. Ummm. Yeah.
SAM: Perfect.
Staff: And then I know we have, uhh, classes, uhh, week-long classes during holidays where they do, uhh, special week long, umm, lessons that are a lot of fun for the kids. Once he gets better, umm, they say in order to do lessons down there he has to turn well on both edges and stop, ahh, umm and then he can move up to the tricks and so forth.
SAM: Okay. So you're saying you have progression lessons he can follow that will eventually lead him to the terrain park?
Staff: Yes, umm, uhh, exactly. So we have like the north slope where beginner lessons are and then we have the south slope with the terrain parks, etc. But first he would start off with the learn-to-ride lessons, but the best package for you would be the Y package, which gives you the most for your money. And it's all on our website, too! So next year just get started there and he'll be good to go.
SAM: All right then, thanks so much.
Rating: 3
Comment: Uhh, umm, anyone else follow that?
Mountain 3: Minnesota
First contact: Automated machine. Chose lessons.
Answering phone: Female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: What do you mean? Do you want a season's pass or?
SAM: Um, well, I'm not sure. I imagine he might need lessons right? He hasn't done much snowboarding before.
Staff: Yup, we can do lessons. You can do private lessons during the week or group lessons on the weekend.
SAM: Can you explain those?
Staff: Yup, usually they run around an hour and a half. The group lessons you can pay for it to include the two-hour rental and lift ticket. Private lessons are a little more expensive and you have to get the rental and ticket separately. And, uh, yeah.
SAM: Okay, right. Is that my only option?
Staff: As far as lessons go? Yeah. We have private or group lessons to choose from.
SAM: All right
Staff: Yeah. Otherwise you can buy a season's pass and then purchase the lesson itself.
SAM: Okay, how much is a season's pass?
Staff: How old is he?
SAM: 12, but he'll be 13 in September.
Staff: Okay so he'll be an adult. So it'll be $250. And if you want an additional season rentals it'll be about another $130.
SAM: Sounds good and then how much would lessons be then?
Staff: And then group lessons would be $25 each time.
SAM: Great, thanks. Well then I'll talk to my son and go from there.
Staff: Sure. Thanks.
Rating: 3
Comment: Basic information: good. Attitude: not so good.
Mountain 4: Indiana
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Young male. Very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Ha ha, he's not the only one, that's great. Okay, has he ever been snowboarding before?
SAM: Barely, he's been once with his friend.
Staff: Okay, sure that's okay. How old is he?
SAM: He's 12.
Staff: Okay, wel,l that's great. And when does he turn 13?
SAM: September.
Staff: Okay, well you know we're closed for the season now, but if you were interested in getting more involved there's two pieces you might consider. One is a pass and there's lot of different levels of passes that make it a lot cheaper than buying tickets every day you decide to come.
SAM: Okay so a season pass that is good from when you open for the season and when you close?
Staff: Right and it's based on age and if you buy one before he turns 13 you can get the cheaper price. You could get him a pass that's good for every single day of the season for $190 and it goes down from there.
SAM: Well that sounds like a good deal.
Staff: Yeah it is so you might consider that. They're cheaper before July and they'll go up a little after that.
SAM: Okay but even if he's 12 now and turns 13 in September, I can buy him the cheaper 12-year-old pass now and it'll be good for next season?
Staff: Exactly, exactly. So that's one thing. The other thing is for $40 more added on to the pass there's a 4-week lesson you can purchase. And it's exactly what it states. Whatever level he is he takes that lesson and it's progressive. So whatever he learns one week he continues on from there the next week. And we try to pair him with the same instructor as often as we can. That's also a great place to start.
SAM: That's a good deal. How many lessons does he get per week? One?
Staff: It's one per week, right.
SAM: And it's a group lesson I assume?
Staff: It is a group lesson, yes. We also do some introductory never-ever lessons that are included in our passes. So he could take some of those never-ever lessons at the beginning because those 4-week lessons don't start until January.
SAM: That sounds even better, sure.
Staff: Yeah and that's whenever he comes, they start at the top ofthe hill every hour. And the other thing when looking at the price of the pass, tubing is included for all of our pass holders. So whenever he comes out he can go tubing as well.
SAM: And what about rentals?
Staff: We have a rental add-ons and depending on the pass type, it's either $100 or $125. Once-a-week pass is $100 and an every-day pass is $125 add-on.
SAM: Okay, great.
Staff: Yeah, and if you were interested in buying equipment we have a great big ski-swap at the beginning of each season that's the grand opening of our retail shop. We also do a fundraiser for our ski patrol where people consign their equipment, which is a great option for you as well. You could get some great equipment for a lot less.
SAM: Well that all sounds perfect.
Staff: Yeah, so you could buy a pass now and then check out our ski swap and consignment event before you decide on equipment.
SAM: Well thanks so much I really appreciate your help.
Staff: Sure, that's awesome, glad to hear he wants to get into it. Thanks for calling!
Rating: 10
Comment: Outlined the best deals with a huge amount of patience.
Identity Revealed: Perfect North Slopes
Mountain 5: Vermont
First contact: Operator
SAM: Stated question. Transferred to "someone who handles our teaching thing."
Answering phone: Woman, friendly.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Hmm, sure. Well how old is he?
SAM: He's 12.
Staff: Twelve, okay. So he would go into a snow-zone program. A learn-to-ride. It gives him a lift ticket for the day, a snowboard for the day, two hours in the morning, lunch with his group and then two hours in the afternoon. The price of that for a full day is $140.
SAM: Okay, is that something he would do once a week or how often would you recommend something like that?
Staff: Well, I mean, do you live here?
SAM: Sort of, I live about half an hour away.
Staff: I mean they do have a junior program.
SAM: Okay. What is that?
Staff: Well it's at our sister mountain and it's sponsored through the schools and anyone can join. And it's 10 days and you get a lesson and and, uh, it's very reasonably priced. A lot of the schools do it and some parents just do it individually. I don't have many other details but, um, you know, it's a good program and they go ten times a year.
SAM: Okay.
Staff: Yeah and they just had their fun day yesterday because it was their last day, but everyone gets to ski for free.
SAM: Great, so you have a few different options then available for next year?
Staff: Oh, certainly.
SAM: Perfect, thanks so much.
Rating: 6
Comment: Friendly, but could have given more details or a website.
Mountain 6: Vermont
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question. Transferred somewhere.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: Oh perfect, we love that! How old is your son?
SAM: He's 12 but will be 13 this summer.
Staff: Okay, and are you looking for a well has he ever snowboarded before?
SAM: Not really. He's played in our yard with some friends on a snowboard, but that's about it.
Staff: Okay, so what we have is a snowboard starter. If he's 13 and older he belongs in an adult snowboard starter program. It's $104 for the day and includes the lesson, a limited lift ticket and the equipment. And it can be two days for $135 total.
SAM: That sounds good.
Staff: Yeah, so that's a good introduction to snowboarding. The goal of the first day lesson is to ride the chairlift up and come down comfortably on the beginner trail. And if he does day two he'll get the equipment and the ticket that will take him to another lift, but won't go to the top of the mountain, most people don't need to go all over the mountain at the very beginning. And that day will give him an hour and a half lesson.
SAM: Great and are these group lessons or are they private?
Staff: No, no, these are group. You can do private, but they're a lot more expensive. We don't really recommend private lessons for beginners because there's a lot of repetitive things you have to do.
SAM: Okay, so we'll stick to groups then. And what would be your recommendation if we started next year, how often should he take a lesson?
Staff: Well there is, I mean how often do you come up?
SAM: We live relatively close and could come up on the weekends.
Staff: So you can do that class and then you can do adult group clinics, which are offered in the morning and afternoon. And each time he takes an adult group clinic it's $35. And then he could practice what he has learned and take the clinics periodically, that could work. Now there is an X program and I would have to talk to the instructors to see what level they would want him at, but the nice thing about that is that it's an all-mountain program, all season long, holidays and weekends, it runs about a $1,000. And then you're in with a group a people that are just snowboarding like you, all the time.
SAM: Okay, so then you do have weekend programs available that are consistent throughout the season?
Staff: We do, but usually you have to be at a certain level. If you call right at the beginning of the season and get him started he could get up to that level by mid-season.
SAM: Sounds good, perfect.
Staff: Right and there is another program that's private and it involves racing and tricks and stuff, but usually you're at a certain level before you do that program.
SAM: Okay, you definitely have a variety of programs I can get him started with.
Staff: Oh, absolutely, I mean you could even come up this weekend and get him going so by next winter he's really ready. Yeah, I mean, tell him it's all out there, it's all available!
Rating: 8
Comment: She definitely told me all that's available.
Mountain 7: New Hampshire
First contact: Male, relaxed sounding
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Oh, to actually learn how to? Silence
SAM: Yeah, learn what Shaun White does.
Staff: Okay, well I'm going to transfer you down to ski school where they'll be able to talk about both, just plain old snowboard lessons if he doesn't know how to snowboard at all or lessons in the park where he'll be able to learn tricks and stuff.
Transferred to ski school
Answering phone: Young female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay, ummm, has he ever snowboarded before?
SAM: Barely, he did once with some friends, but they were just playing in the backyard.
Staff: Oookay, well, ummm, so it takes a lot of years just to learn how to snowboard in the first place, never mind have the technique to go into the park, especially even if he's only been on a board once or twice. So that's the first thing probably to break it to him that we actually don't take people into the park until they have a very strong ability with snowboarding, I mean you have to be upper levels.
SAM: Sure, of course.
Staff: Yeah, like they have to be snowboarding black diamonds, double black diamonds, trees and steeps, everything very confidently and very skilled in the first place before they go into the park and do any tricks.
SAM: Right, okay.
Staff: But if you want snowboard lessons to get him up to where he'll beI mean there's no guarantee he's going to be advanced, I mean it takes years to get that good! So if he wants a snowboard lesson we certainly do that, I just want to make sure his expectations when he gets there are not that he'll go in the park.
SAM: Yes I figured he wasn't just going to start inside that huge pipe thing.
Staff: Right because it's not a freestyle lesson. It's a snowboard lesson, how to ride a snowboard. (Really?)
SAM: Right.
Staff: So he's twelve, so he would be in our group program and they are ful- or half-day programs. Given the rundown of times and prices.
SAM: Great, and how long are you open for the season?
Staff: About early April, we think. And you want to make sure that after Easter weekend that you make a reservation. We take reservations up until 4 o'clock every day and be sure you have his height, weight and shoe size because you'll need all of those for rental equipment.
SAM: Sounds great, hope to see you soon.
Staff: Thanks!
Rating: 5
Comment: Gosh, will it really take YEARS of lessons to get advanced?
Mountain 8: Wisconsin
First contact: Female. Very sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: How you can make him a Shaun White, huh? Ha ha.
SAM: I know a little crazy, but completely possible in his mind.
Staff: Well you know what that's great. Dream and dream big they say! Now do you live in town?
SAM: I don't actually, we're about a half an hour away.
Staff: Okay, well, during avalanche days, I know schools are on spring break next week, we offer free lessons. And we would need to sign the person up for that. Has he ever been on a snowboard before?
SAM: Barely. Once with his friends, but it wasn't too serious.
Staff: Okay because we sell a surface lift ticket, which is the beginner area and where he would start and that is $15.
SAM: Okay.
Staff: And I'm assuming he needs equipment?
SAM: Yup.
Staff: Okay and that would be $30. And then we can get him into a lesson.
SAM: Could he start those spring break lessons?
Staff: Yeah, well we offer those lessons Monday through Friday and they would get him started in the right direction. They're an hour and a half long, which is a good amount of time as well.
SAM: Great. And so you have rentals and all of that. So then what would you advise for starting?
Staff: I would recommend those free lesson during spring break, just to get him started. If I was building a Shaun White that is, ha ha.
SAM: Well that all sounds very doable, thanks so much.
Rating: 8
Comment: Patient, but could have used a little more selling.
Mountain 9: Montana
First contact: Automated machine. Chose snowsport school.
Answering phone: Female. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, did you want to take a snowboard lesson then?
SAM: Um, yeah, I assume that's where he should probably start. He hasn't really snowboarded before.
Staff: Hmmm. Well how old is he?
SAM: He's 12.
Staff: Okay we do private lessons or group lessons and I'd be happy to schedule something for you silence.
SAM: Okay. How much longer are you open for this season?
Staff: Well we have about two weeks left.
SAM: All right. Do you think I should start him now or wait until next season?
Staff: Well, uhh, ha ha, umm, I guess it depends on what he wants to do. A lot of people take lessons at the end of the season and jump right back into it the next season or some people wait and start all at once long pause of silenc
SAM: Yeah okay. How long are group lessons?
Staff: Well our group lessons are an hour and a half and they are $35 and rentals for someone that age would be $15. And our lessons do come with the beginner chairlift and that's complimentary so it would be $55 the first time for him to come up and take a lesson. (35 + 15 = 50. Right?)
SAM: Okay.
Staff: A private lesson is $80 for an hour and a half.
SAM: Okay.
Staff: At this time of the year, yes. Next year if he wanted to take a multiple-week program we do offer something called XXX where they go with the same group of kids and the same instructor for five weeks starting in January.
SAM: Oh, great. And he can do that at his age?
Staff: Yup, surely. It's seven and up. And we do take registration for that online starting in the fall at And you can go on there now and read about all the details to give you an idea.
SAM: That sounds like a plan, I'll do that and think it all over. Thanks so much.
Staff: Oh no problem, thanks for calling!
Rating: 6
Comment: Solid information, but took a while to warm up.
Mountain 10: California
First contact: Automated machine. Chose season pass office.
Answering phone: Female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Okay, you have different options. You can get group lessons for him or private lessons that is more one-on-one with the instructor. The group lessons are packages so they come with the equipment and lift ticket. If you want, for example, a couple of days of instruction you can get a 3-pack which is three full days. The price of the 3-pack is $222. Each day he will receive two hours of instructor in the morning and two more in the afternoon. It comes with the equipment such as the snowboard and snowboard boots, lift ticket, lunch and snacks. Those three days you can use as consecutive days if you want or you can use any day, any time in this season. We usually close in mid-April. And like I said, this is a group lesson package so it can be up to eight kids per instructor. The age range is 7 to 12.
SAM: Thanks, that would work well.
Staff: Then the other option if you want him to get more instruction is private lessons. You can schedule for two hours, three hours or six hours. The rate for the two-hour lesson is $179, plus rentals, plus lift tickets. The price of rentals for those ages is $32 and the lift ticket is $17. If you wanted to do it for three hours the price is $279 and six hours is $349.
SAM: Well, that all sounds great. What do you recommend or what do most people do when they're just starting out?
Staff: Basically it depends on how much you want to spend. A private lesson is one on one so they will always get more out of it.
SAM: Great so I could just stick him in one all day long and see how it likes it?
Staff: Yes, for sure. We're planning to close around April 18.
SAM: Okay, and if he turns 13 in September is that okay?
Staff: It will be okay, sure, but if he takes lessons next year he will go into a different program because he will be an adult. The group lessons do not provide lunch or snacks.
SAM: Oh, okay well that's fine.
Staff: One more thing, whether you decide to go with group lessons or private lessons be sure to make a reservation in advance and this is the number you can call to do that.
SAM: Thanks so much.
Staff: Cool, thanks for calling. Call back if you have any more questions.
Rating: 9
Comment: Friendly with A-Z answers.
Mountain 11: Utah
First contact: Automated machine. Chose tickets and season passes.
Answering phone: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay. Umm, we offer skiing how old is your son?
SAM: He's 12.
Staff: Twelve. Okay. We offer kid's camp for skiers or snowboarders, which is $95 that includes lesson, lift ticket, rentals and lunch.
SAM: Great. How long is the camp?
Staff: Okay. It goes from 10 to 3:30 and then they can go out and ski or snowboard with you.
SAM: That sounds nice.
Staff: Okay. And then we also offer private lessons which do not include the lift ticket or rentals and they are an hour, hour and a half, three hours or six hours.
SAM: And the camp is $99 you said per day?
Staff: $95. Silence.
SAM: Per day?
Staff: Yes, per day. Okay?
SAM: Yup and so I have those options. Are there any other long-term packages you offer or it's just a daily basis?
Staff: Nope, just those are what we offer.
SAM: And he turns 13 in September, does that make any difference for next year?
Staff: Nope, his age counts on the day he takes a lesson. We offer adult lessons for 13 and older.
SAM: So as a 13-year-old he can't do that all-day camp program?
Staff: Right, okay. For 13-year-olds we offer a learn-to lesson in the morning which is a two-hour lesson, ticket and rentals and then you can get a free learn-to lesson in the afternoon.
SAM: Oh, okay well that sounds good. Thanks, I'll talk to him and figure out when we should come up.
Staff: Okay. Great, thanks for calling!
Rating: 7
Comment: Okay. I think I got all that.
Mountain 12: Idaho
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: You want to get what started?
SAM: Explained the question.
Staff: Just a second. Transferred somewhere
Answering phone: Female in ski school. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Ha ha ha. Um, does he want to do the halfpipe.
SAM: Yeah, he definitely wants to get into terrain park things, but he hasn't been snowboarding before really.
Staff: I would suggest coming to X mountain first to get things figured out and to sign him up. We only do the terrain park in private lessons. So we could sign him up for that or else do you just want to get him started on snowboarding first.
SAM: Right, exactly. So I wasn't sure if you had lessons that incorporated everything or if terrain park was separate or how it all worked.
Staff: Yeah for the group lessons it is separate, but what he could do is go in a group lesson for a few days to get comfortable on a snowboard first and then you could sign him up for a private lesson in just the terrain park.
SAM: Okay, that could work.
Staff: Yeah just so he's not going in the terrain park right off the bat. Ha ha ha, little experience on a board helps.
SAM: Sure of course! So you think I should sign him up for a group lesson first?
Staff: Yeah, even if it's just one day. Just to make sure he's comfortable.
SAM: Yeah we definitely want that before he does any tricks. And how long are you open for?
Staff: We're open until 4 o'clock today.
SAM: I mean the season.
Staff: Oh, ha ha, until April 4.
SAM: Perfect. So a group lesson first which I could do before the season ended would work best.
Staff: Yup, that will work the best I think. He'll have a great time!
SAM: Great, thanks!
Rating: 8
Comment: Chirpy and friendly. High points for that, but a little lean on information and not sure one all-day lesson is enough to get him ripping in the park.
Mountain 13: Colorado
First contact: Male, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Uhhh, okay, let me put you on hold for just a second. Transferred somewhereHold time: 1:30. Music: none. That's annoying.
Answering phone: Male in guest services.
SAM: Restated questions.
Staff: All right. You're just looking for a snowboard package?
SAM: I guess so if that's what you recommend. He hasn't really been snowboarding much before, but he's really into it and very eager to learn.
Staff: Ooookay. Well I would start him out with a one-day lesson. And, ah, just go from there. Silence
SAM: Okay.
Staff: Yeah. I mean, ah. I picked it up after one day. And you just kind of get better as you go. Silence
SAM: All right, well how much is a one-day lesson?
Staff: Ahhh, I dunno. I can transfer you over to the ski and ride school.
SAM: Okay.
Staff: This is actually just guest services. We handle lost and found, stuff like that. Silence
SAM: Um, okay. I guess I'll transfer then, thanks.
Transferred to ski and ride school.
Answering phone: Female with thick southern accent.
SAM: Restated question
Staff: Ha ha, he and everybody else. Now how old is he?
SAM: He's 12.
Staff: Well we have the all-day ski school. Does he have his own equipment?
SAM: No, he doesn't.
Staff: Okay we can rent him equipment, lesson, lunch, ticket and equipment, including helmet, would be $176.
SAM: For the day?
Staff: For the day. It's start at 9 a.m. and well we'll need to fit his equipment so it would start about a quarter of 9 and go until about 3:30 in the afternoon.
SAM: And that's a group lesson?
Staff: Yes ma'am, it's a group lesson and he would be in a group with his level ability, as well as his age group.
SAM: Great. And is that my only choice, just to put him in day lessons until...
Staff: Until he learns? Ha ha ha, well we have the three-day where you get a nine percent discount off the lesson. It would be well, let's see. For the three-day lesson is would be $415.
SAM: And that includes...
Staff: That includes his lesson, lunch and lift.
SAM: No rentals?
Staff: No. The rentals are $25 a day, so $75 for the three days. And you can do that package on a daily basis to see how he progresses. Now, ma'am, that price is good after the lesson until we close at night so don't go buying him a lift ticket if he's in school.
SAM: Ookay. And how long do you think he should take lessons for?
Staff: Now I will say it will probably take a couple of days. It depends how long it takes him to feel comfortable. And they don't realize it, but it's harder than to learn how to ski. Especially jumping up in the air like the Olympics. It's gonna take him a bit longer.
SAM: All right, well then maybe I'll just keep him in lessons until he feels comfortable.
Staff: That's a dandy idea. Well, thanks for calling ma'am!
Rating: 8
Comment: That was a dandy conversation.
Mountain 14: Alberta
First contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question. Transferred to ski school.
Answering phone: Young female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay, how old is he?
SAM: He's 12.
Staff: Okay, and has he ever snowboarding before?
SAM: Barely. He's played around on one, but that's about it.
Staff: All right, so would you prefer him to do a group lesson or a private lesson?
SAM: Well, I'm not sure. What do you recommend?
Staff: Um, it really depends. Is he quite athletic?
SAM: He is I think. He plays a lot of other sports throughout the year.
Staff: Yeah, well a private is definitely the best way to go because you have that one-to-one ratio compared to a group. And the reason I ask if he's athletic is because I've had kids say it's good to wait for the other kids so they can have a rest. Ha ha ha. In groups there's the interaction with the other kids so if they get along they may push each other a little more to do better. So a group lesson is quite good as well, but with a private lesson he's got that one on-one interaction so the instructor is focusing only on him, whereas a group lesson the instructor is focusing on the weakest student in the group. So if your child is slightly more advanced than the other children, the instructor still has to focus on the other children.
SAM: Sure, that makes sense. Convinces me. And how much do the private lessons cost?
Staff: Sure, for two hours they cost $165.
SAM: What about equipment?
Staff: So he's 12 so he can get a lift ticket for $23 and equipment for $18.
SAM: Great. I guess my only other question is do you know how long they usually have to be in lessons for?
Staff: Yeah, it just depends on how he's progressing and if he feels like he can go by himself.
SAM: Great, so those are my only options then for lessons?
Staff: Yeah they are. We do actually have a three-day lesson where he stays with the same group for three days. And that is $299.
SAM: And that doesn't include his tickets and rentals?
Staff: Right it doesn't include those. They would be separate.
SAM: Perfect well thanks so much for all the information.
Rating: 7.5
Comment: Very polite with good explanations. Needed to be a little more forthright on pricing and package details.
Mountain 15: British Columbia
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay, uh, lessons in how to snowboard is always a good one! Let me transfer you to guest services.
Answering phone: Female, nice sounding.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: Um, so you're looking to put him in lessons?
SAM: Yes, I guess so. He hasn't really snowboarded before so I figured a lesson would be good and was wondering what you offered.
Staff: How old is he?
SAM: He's 12.
Staff: Well, we can put him in a drop-in lesson. They run at 12 o'clock everyday weekly and more frequently on the weekends running at 9:30, 12 and 2:30. So really you can put him in that and they're two-hour group lessons and he'll be paired with his ability level.
SAM: Great and how much are they?
Staff: They're $130 generally. (Generally? Are there specific prices?)
SAM: All right and does that include his lift ticket?
Staff: Yup, lift ticket and rental.
SAM: Perfect. All right so I can put him in those daily lessons and see how he progresses. Do you offer anything else?
Staff: At the moment we don't, but we do normally in December and January. They're anywhere from a three- to five-day camp and are for 7- to 14-year-olds. And they learn the basics depending on their ability levels.
SAM: That sounds like a great option. I'll talk to him then and go from there.
Rating: 6
Comment: Good info, but it felt rushed.